Sunday, May 9, 2010

Controversial Sydney West Area Health Chief Resigns

Controversial Sydney West Area Health chief resigns

SYDNEY West Area Health Service chief executive Prof Steven Boyages resigned last week amid controversy over his handling of the job.

Prof Boyages had been in the top job of the area health service, which includes Westmead and Auburn hospitals, for 10 years.

His tenure was dogged by controversy over debts to suppliers and by dissent among senior doctors and nurses over his management style.

Prof Boyages was not available for comment before the Advertiser’s deadline but it has been reported he will transfer to the newly created NSW Clinical Education and Training Institute.

The Advertiser had been told by senior clinicians in recent times that Prof Boyages, an endocrinologist, was not considered a good manager.

“He’s a brilliant clinician but not such a good administrator,’’ one senior specialist told the Advertiser.

Prof Boyages was still working as an endocrinologist while running the area health service.

NSW Health director general Debora Picone has been quoted as saying that Prof Boyages had ``as many supporters as detractors’’.


  1. Hey, guess what the executive gave the nurses of Blue Mountains Hospital today for International Nurse's Day? Absolutely nothing. Not even an acknowledgement. Thanks guys.

  2. One day, when the current regime in BMH and SWAHS is gone, we will look back on this time as a terrible thing that once happened but that we who remained to protect our patients managed to survive. History will not favour them.


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